Well, I'm at work early... Its very boring here. I've been pretty busy at work and home lately (hence why I couldn't post).
Found some cool stuff online recently though. There is a hacktivist group named "Anonymous". They're pretty well known by people who are 'in the know'. They've been known to take down the Westboro Baptist Church website, they published IP Addresses from the users on kiddie porn websites, and they're at a cyber war with the Zeta (a drug cartel out of Mexico), they even attacked the entire Scientology religion! Its crazy. Its james bond type of stuff. I love it.
Every group has their outcasts, right? Well, a small group of hackers IN Anonymous are attempting to take Facebook down on 5 November, 2011. Why? Because Facebook apparently sells your information to the US Government, and foreign governments. They made a youtube video, just like they always do, and warned the Facebook staff, and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (sp?) of the future attack. Facebook didn't have anything to say about it... but we'll see...
Here are the links...
Westboro Baptist Church Attacks
Kiddie Porn Attacks
Zeta Warnings
Facebook Attack 05 November, 2011
Scientology Attacks