Thursday, November 3, 2011


Well, I'm at work early... Its very boring here. I've been pretty busy at work and home lately (hence why I couldn't post).

Found some cool stuff online recently though. There is a hacktivist group named "Anonymous". They're pretty well known by people who are 'in the know'. They've been known to take down the Westboro Baptist Church website, they published IP Addresses from the users on kiddie porn websites, and they're at a cyber war with the Zeta (a drug cartel out of Mexico), they even attacked the entire Scientology religion! Its crazy. Its james bond type of stuff. I love it.

Every group has their outcasts, right? Well, a small group of hackers IN Anonymous are attempting to take Facebook down on 5 November, 2011. Why? Because Facebook apparently sells your information to the US Government, and foreign governments. They made a youtube video, just like they always do, and warned the Facebook staff, and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (sp?) of the future attack. Facebook didn't have anything to say about it... but we'll see...

Here are the links...

Westboro Baptist Church Attacks

Kiddie Porn Attacks

Zeta Warnings

Facebook Attack 05 November, 2011

Scientology Attacks

Monday, October 17, 2011

Another Monday... HERES SOME MUSIC...

So, I absolutely love electronic music. I blame my mother. Living in the Detroit Metro area, basically where the electronic "revolution" happened, she was listening to Dance music. She was a young mother (had me when she was 21).... so I'd listen to the music she did. My love for the music has only evolved into what it is today. I don't know what it is about the sounds, but it very euphoric for me. I can close my eyes, and just be happy as anything, so long as I have some great electronic music.

Today I stumbled upon a new (to me) DJ. He does mashups. and really really good ones. Here is my favorite. I also posted a video of DJ Sleeper. I discovered him on my friends website,

for your listening/viewing pleasure....

and heres DJ Sleeper...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Annoying guy at work... Kinda feel bad

Sooo, there's this really annoying guy at work. He's only annoying to me because he volunteers himself regularly to help other people. I have a somewhat "prestigious" and sought after job where I work directly for the people that are in charge of thousands of soldiers. Its a really laid back job, not a huge workload, but when work does come my way, I execute perfectly every time, all the time. My first line supervisor and I are pretty good friends, and have this job worked out to the T. He's been here for quite sometime, and I've been here for about 2 years. This job generally has a 6 month shelf life, but like I said. We're good. It was time we got a new guy up here, the other one PCS'd. We interviewed a bunch of people, looked at PT scores, quizzed them. We had it down to 5 people, and this guy seemed legit. He was eager, highspeed, low drag trooper. So we picked him... that was our first mistake, but hindsight is 20/20, right? Its been a few months now, and It's just gotten worse. We have to be here at 0545. Hes here at 0500. We leave here later than everybody else, but its usually right at 1730... hes here till 1900. He volunteers himself to help E8's out regularly, and when our bosses ask for him, hes never here. I know it doesn't sound that bad here, but after a few months of this happening, it gets annoying. Hes a pathological liar (we've said just random facts, for example, "the sky is black at 1100 in texas on sundays, right?" and he'll respond, "yeah, every single sunday its like that... its because of the earths gravataional pull towards the sun and the hay-grass growth in alaska"). We've kind of made it a game here.


The place we got him from is deploying in a few months, and requires a certain amount of people to fill the spot. The organization doesn't have that number of people, and is asking around for people with that Military Occupational Service (MOS). It just so happens that his MOS is the one they are seeking. So finally, after 6 years of Military service, he'll deploy. Which is a good thing for him, since he wants to stay in, it'll be good to have under his belt. Until I found out WHERE he was going. Its probably the worst place in Afghanistan. Its the wild wild west out there. Still. After 10 years, its still the worst place. We just lost a few service members over there from our organization.

Its too bad. I feel bad because I've wished he'd leave for so long, and now, I really wish he'd stay. Its literally worst than hell. When you tell people to go to hell, Afghanistan is that place. I think actually its worst than hell.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jumping and doing other amazing things.

Like I mentioned before, I'm in the military. I'm stationed at an army base currently and all I ever hear is airborne this, airborne that. Its been like that since I was around 19 and my friend joined the Army and became an Airborne Infantryman. I never really got it till recently. Now, I wish I had the opportunity, BUT I'm on my way out of the military, and I wont be able to.

So, I love heights. A lot. I love being high (not drugs. drugs are dumb. I can't believe you'd go there...), I love the feeling of falling, and the only dreams I ever really have are about flying. Here are some examples of some of the stuff I really want to get into... enjoy

I love it! Who wants to do it with me?!

Skrillex = Sonny Moore = Lead Singer from "From First to Last"

I never knew this. I never really liked Skrillex. It always seemed to "mainstream" for me (not that I'm a hipster or anything, just I don't like music like Lady Gaga, Jay-Z, any of that crap).

Today I realized that Skrillex, the DJ is Sonny Moore who is the lead singer from "From First to Last". Its crazy!

Click for proof

Jurassic Park Jeep Replica

Ran Across this transformation. I've always loved the Jurassic Park series. Especially the cars and trucks. This guy did everything in his garage. Major Props. Here are a few teaser pictures, and the link is to the build thread.

Heres the link to the thread...

North Korea

Some of you that know me, know that I have an infatuation with North Korea. Nothing scary. I'm not a communist or anything crazy, I just like how secretive the North Koreans and Kim Jong Il are. Even still, how far advanced we are, and they still are able to keep the wool over the North Korean citizens eyes. These are some pictures from North Korea. Whats crazy is that there are only something like 40 flights from China to North Korea every year. Pictures like these aren't usually released.

 That last hotel right there is actually abandoned just like most of the buildings in North Korea. Their rolling blackouts, lack of funding, and famine since 1994 has made it impossible to complete. Its so hard to believe that they are assumed to have Nuclear Weapons.


Well, this is where I am going to post my findings from the internet. I generally do this while I'm at work (I don't really have a "real job" per se). I am in the Military on active duty, and I'm on my way out. Spent 3 years here, 1 year in Afghanistan. There is a lot of bullshit I deal with on the daily, so the internet makes everything better.