Monday, October 17, 2011

Another Monday... HERES SOME MUSIC...

So, I absolutely love electronic music. I blame my mother. Living in the Detroit Metro area, basically where the electronic "revolution" happened, she was listening to Dance music. She was a young mother (had me when she was 21).... so I'd listen to the music she did. My love for the music has only evolved into what it is today. I don't know what it is about the sounds, but it very euphoric for me. I can close my eyes, and just be happy as anything, so long as I have some great electronic music.

Today I stumbled upon a new (to me) DJ. He does mashups. and really really good ones. Here is my favorite. I also posted a video of DJ Sleeper. I discovered him on my friends website,

for your listening/viewing pleasure....

and heres DJ Sleeper...

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